Monday, 25 April 2011

One Alternative Diary

Something to start me off...

I've been an avid diary keeper since my early teens, but I struggled throughout university and since graduating (theology, baby!) I've been, quite simply, rather hopeless...and I would like to think that it wasn't because my life is now less exciting than it was back in secondary and sixth form days and so I have set up my first blog, to plot down all my thoughts and a-happenings. (Fingers crossed this one won't be as cringy as my diary now seems to be...)

Oooh, Ellie Goulding's "The Writer" has just come on shuffle, how appropriate!

Today is Easter Monday, and I've spent it ambling through National Trust woodlands at Fyne Court with one of my best friends...followed up by easter cake at the cafe :) It's not a traditional NT owned place, as it is open and free to all members of the public, and isn't connected with any old buildings like NT so often is. We did the "Woodland Walk" that was about one and a half miles, which took us through woodlands (funny that), meadows with Highland Cattle, and along by a stream. The bluebells and primroses were all out and beaming beautiful, so it was a lovely little amble! It was a toasty, sunny and all round delicious day and I can't think of any way better to spend my last day before returning to work tomorrow. Woop! Now just for an evening of sitting in the garden reading a novel (currently Daisy Goodwin's "My Last Duchess", I've just finished Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love" and her descriptions of food are seriously making me want to go to Italy and eat mass amounts of carbs) and watching Glee. never know, perpetually white me might even get a spot of colour on my legs this Spring and Summer!

A bit methodical perhaps for a first post, but I'm sure I'll get into the swing of things. Here, have a picture to brighten it up a bit...

Fyne Court, Somerset

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